18 novembre 2003 

Le top de la semaine:
The Darkness: I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Kraftwerk - The Robots
Queen of the Stone Age - No One Knows
The Streets - Let's Push Things Forward
Deftones - Back To School (Mini Maggit)

12 novembre 2003 

Le top de la semaine:
Travis: Re-Offender
Starsailor: Silence is easy
Showstar : little bastard
JEAN-LOUIS MURAT: Le cri du papillon
The Strokes: 12:51

PS: Toutes les semaines je mettrais en ligne un top de morceaux de musique a decouvrir ou a re-decouvrir.

07 novembre 2003 

Nouvel album de Travis: 12 Memories sortie prevue dans 2 semaines.

The Beautiful Occupation
Peace The Fuck Out
How Many Hearts
Somewhere Else
Love Will Come Through
Midlife Krysis
Happy To Hang Around
Walking Down The Hill


Un super film qui sort bientot: The Battle of Shaker Heights . Histoire géniale, super casting. Le scénario du film a gagne le concours "Project Greenlight", concours créer par Ben Affleck et Matt Damon.
Quelques images:

02 novembre 2003 

Ma "Matrix personalitee". :p ;)

You are Morpheus-
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Un de mes films préférer est "High Fidelity" et je suis tomber sur le quizz "Which Character In High Fidelity Are You?".
Mon resultat:

The Music God.
You are a god among men. However these men are
pretty sad in their own right, so
its a bit like being lord of the flies. I
congratulate you on your authority.

Recommended Listening: you probably own all of them
already but I'd try Magazine, Echo & The
Bunnymen, Interpol, the new DJ Shadow and some
Dyke & The Blazers to expand your current

Which Character In High Fidelity Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A propos

  • JeanFi aka JLA/Darkhalf/Dark
  • Belgique